Learning to Dance : Advancing Womens Reproductive Health and Well-Being from the Perspectives of Public Health and Human Rights (Harvard Series on Health and Human Rights) артикул 13367b.
Learning to Dance : Advancing Womens Reproductive Health and Well-Being from the Perspectives of Public Health and Human Rights (Harvard Series on Health and Human Rights) артикул 13367b.

Book Description This book promotes understanding of how the fields of health and human rights can better work together, including both addressing human rights implications of reproductive health interventions and fostering rights-based policies and laws relating to sexuality and reproductive health A decade after the groundbreaking Cairo одуьк Conference on Population and Development a serious gap remains between the reproductive health and human rights fields Too often, despite using the same language, the two fields do not seem to share the same understanding or strategies In order to better understand the links and synergies between reproductive health and human rights as well as the continuing gaps between the two fields, this book brings together twelve experts to compare how each field traditionally approaches a situation that presents both public health and human rights implications Six case studies, illustrating a range of issues in sexual and reproductive health, are analyzed by both a public health expert and a human rights expert, and a separate essay synthesizes the convergences and divergences between the two approaches and points to ways forward.  Настоящее2005 г 190 стр ISBN 0674019482.